A blog graphic that reads, "How Much Do Pet Vaccines Cost?"

How Much Do Pet Vaccines Cost?

One of the many costs of owning a pet is the cost of their vaccine shots. Vaccines help protect pets from a variety of diseases.

graphic showing best dog parks in colorado springs

Best Dog Parks in Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs offers all its inhabitants a beautiful outdoor world. We are proud to sit in the middle of some of the most beautiful areas

graphics showing how to celebrate national pet week

Ways To Celebrate National Pet Week

It’s National Pet Week! An annual celebration of pets, pet families, and veterinarians who all keep pets happy and healthy. The American Veterinary Medical Association

a picture of a vet clinic

now accepting new clients!

Ponderosa Veterinary Clinic is now accepting new patients. If you’d like to schedule an appointment please give us a call at 719-433-7671 .